Keller Williams Advantage III - Liliana Pickens

Is it a good time to sell?

Hear the truth....

Find your Dream Home with a KW agent

Find your Dream Home with a KW agent

David Papazian/Getty Images


Is it the right time to sell? The real answer is....IT DEPENDS! It depends on YOUR life and YOUR needs. It doesn’t depend on the market. Regardless of what the market is doing if you have to sell, then you have to sell.

Most people decide to sell a home when a major life change is happening. We call this the 8 D’s of real estate:

  1. Diapers - people having babies and having the need for more space
  2. Diamonds - people getting married and wanting a new place to call their own
  3. Downsizing - usually empty nesters looking to simplify their lives
  4. Deployment - military (thanks for your service!) or a work relocation
  5. Debt - 70% of the US homeowners have over 50% equity in their homes. If you are drowning in debt, selling may be the answer so you can cash out the equity of the home and get out of debt.
  6. Declines of Health - people with mobility issues or who are very sick may have to sell and buy a new home that would be more suitable for their current needs OR take the profit of the sale of the home to live in an Assisted Living Facility.
  7. Divorce - approximately 53% of couples that got a divorce last year owned a home. This is a stressful time and selling the home is usually what these couples decide to do.
  8. Death - when a loved one passes away, the family that remains usually carries the burden of selling the home

Life happens and when life happens and you have to sell a home you need to look for a trusted advisor that will be on YOUR SIDE! Don’t listen to the hype and do what is right for you and your family.

For a FREE consultation, don’t hesitate to contact me. I will always have your back!

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